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Please complete in English

  Personal Information of Referrer:
英文姓名 (如香港身份證上所示)
Name in English (as printed on HKID Card)
MANHATTAN Platinum 信用卡號碼
MANHATTAN Platinum Card Account No.
- - -
Email Address

  本人欲推薦以下親友申請MANHATTAN Platinum 信用卡
  I would link to refer the following friends to apply for MANHATTAN Platinum Credit Card:
Referee's Name in English
Email Address
本人同意MANHATTAN Platinum 信用卡會員推薦(「會員推薦」)之條款及細則,並已得到被推薦客戶之同意披露其姓名及上述聯絡資料及同意渣打銀行 (香港) 有限公司 (「銀行」)將該資料用作推廣會員推薦活動。銀行亦可告知上述人士,他/她是由本人轉介予銀行的。
I agree to the Terms and Conditions of MANHATTAN Platinum Card Member-Get-Member Program (Member-Get-Member) & warrant that I have obtained consent from the refered(s) to disclose his/her (their) name(s) and the above contact info and for the use of such data by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) limited for promoting Memeber-Get-Member Program. The Bank may also advise the above persons that he/she is (they are) referred to the Bank by me.
MANHATTAN Card - 渣打銀行(香港) 有限公司轄下部門
MANHATTAN Card - a division of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited