Chartered Wealth Management Academy
渣打財富管理學院 |
At Standard Chartered, we believe that an educated investor
could be a better investor. Our Wealth Management Academy
helps to equip you to become a better investor.
Wealth Management Academy offers a wide range of investment
educational courses – from fundamental investment product
knowledge to financial planning and market analysis.
Equip yourself with better investment knowledge! |
立即做好準備,裝備自己,豐富您的投資知識! |
課程資料簡介 |
Do you have the following questions in mind?
您有以下之疑問嗎? |
- Investing in stock is simple and easy. Why do I bother
investing in Foreign Exchange ("FX")?
- I have never traded FX and I do not know how to start.
- HKD is pegged with USD and I seldom travel. Why do
I bother FX risk?
- FX looks complicated and rates are moving fast. I
prefer some other investment means.
- 投資股票既簡單又容易。為什麼我要選擇外匯?
- 我從沒有外匯投資經驗,應該從何著手了解外匯?
- 港元已經同美元掛鈎,我又甚少外遊,為什麼我還要留意外匯風險?
- 外匯看似複雜,而且價格波動大。我還是選擇其他投資工具好了。
Any clue to the above questions? Here we are.
您想知道答案嗎?機會就在眼前。 |
Standard Chartered Wealth Management presents you the
following investment educational course: "Foreign
Exchange – What Matters to Me?". This course
will provide basic understanding about FX market, give you
a better idea on the factors affecting FX movement as well
as some tips on FX investment choices.
The course is Free-of-Charge.
Seats are limited. So, please register now!
此課程費用全免。座位有限,請從速報名。 |
Course Name:
課程名稱: |
Foreign Exchange – What
Matters to Me?
外匯識多點 |
日期: |
18 January 2011 (Tuesday)
2011年1月18日 (星期二) |
時間: |
7:00pm to 8:00pm (Registration starts
at 6:45pm)
晚上7時至8時 (晚上6時45分開始登記入座) |
地點: |
30/F, Standard Chartered Bank Building,
4-4A Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong
[MTR Central Station – Exit K]
(港鐵中環站K出口) |
語言: |
廣東話 |
Target Audience:
合適人士: |
FX Beginners / Little experience in
FX Investment (Aged 18 or above)
適合外匯初階者或外匯投資經驗較淺之人士 (18歲或以上) |
Please select your
preferred course and date:
請選擇合適課程及日期︰ |
18 January 2011 (Tuesday) [Course: Foreign
Exchange – What Matters to Me?]
2011年1月18日 (星期二) [ 課程 – 外匯識多點] |
Risk Disclosure Statement
Investment involves risk. The prices of investment products
fluctuate, sometimes dramatically and may become valueless.
Customers should consider their own investment objectives,
investment experience, financial situation and risk tolerance
level, read the terms and conditions of relevant investment
products, and is advised to seek independent professional
advice before making any investment decision. |
投資涉及風險。投資產品價格有時可能會非常波動,甚至變成毫無價值。投資前客戶應考慮其本身的投資目標、投資經驗、財務狀況及風險承受程度,參閱相關投資產品的條款及細則,並諮詢獨立的財務意見。 |
Important Note |
- This document does not constitute any offer, invitation
or recommendation to any person.
- Please note that the speech made by the event speaker(s)
does not represent the Bank's point of view. All of
the content is for reference only.
- The Bank may perform activities like photo taking,
video recording and sound recording, full version or
part of the photos, video tapes and audiotapes maybe
kept for the Bank's internal record and/or commercial
purpose in the future.
- The Bank's decision regarding the right of participation
shall be final. Participants should agree that the Bank
has the right to cancel, terminate, alter or postpone
this event. By entering the event, participants declare
themselves in agreement with this rule.
- The Bank reserves the right to amend these terms and
conditions without prior notice and the decision of
the Bank shall be final.
- Should there be any discrepancy between the English
and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.
重要事項 |
- 本文件並不構成對任何人士提出任何交易的招攬、邀請或建議。
- 講座之主持及嘉賓所作之言論純屬個人意見,並不代表本行立場。所有內容資料只供參考。
- 本行於講座期間可能進行攝影、錄影及錄音等活動;有關之照片、錄像及錄音之全部或部份內容可能於日後供本行作內部記錄及/或商業用途。
- 本行對於參加者資格等相關事項,有最終決定權,並有權隨時取消、終止、修改或暫停本講座,參加者不得有任何異議。
- 本行有權修訂有關條款及細則而毋須預先通知並擁有最終決定權。
- 中英文版本如有歧異,概以英文版本為準。