903id club拉闊音樂會「抽獎贏門票」登記表格
      903id club Music Is Life Lucky Draw Registration Form
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Cardholder Name
Credit Card Account No.
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903id club拉闊音樂會拉闊音樂會“古巨基 x 方皓玟 x 林欣彤 x 連詩雅” ( 「音樂會」)抽獎贏門票 (「抽獎」)之條款及細則:
1. 音樂會抽獎贏門票 (「抽獎」)只適用於由渣打銀行 (香港) 有限公司 (「本行」) 發行之信用卡,包括MANHATTAN 信用卡及MANHATTAN聯營卡(「抽獎指定信用卡」)。
2. 推廣優惠期為2014年6月5日至2014年7月25日止(包括首及尾兩日)(「推廣期」)及以月結單上之交易日為準。
3. 客戶須於推廣期內登入www.manhattancard.com登記。成功登記之客戶於完成登記時將獲發一個參考編號方合資格參與此抽獎(「合資格客戶」)。
4. 合資格客戶憑抽獎指定信用卡於推廣期內每次單一交易之合資格簽賬金額HK$500或以上,即獲一次抽獎機會。
5. 合資格簽賬包括於推廣期內之所作之現金透支、本地及海外簽賬交易、網上購物、郵購、電話購物及已誌賬之指定信用卡免息分期之總結欠(以第一期供款之金額乘供款總期數作計算)、自動轉賬、繳交公共事務費用、網上繳款、八達通自動增值。其他交易均不適用於此計劃,包括但不只限於保費、手續費、年費、逾期費用、超額費用、利息/財務費用、結餘轉賬之金額及利息、「兌現年息優惠」計劃之金額及利息/手續費、「兌現分期」或「月結單分期」計劃之供款及利息/手續費、已繳付信用卡免息分期之每月供款、兌換籌碼、繳稅金額。所有未誌賬/取消/退款/偽造/未經許可的交易均不適用於此計劃。
6. 同一抽獎指定信用卡賬戶及號碼的主卡及附屬卡之合資格簽賬將一併計算。
7. 本行將會根據儲存於本行之交易紀錄,以決定該交易是否合資格計算於抽獎活動。若簽賬存根印載的資料與本行存檔紀錄不符,將以本行存檔紀錄為準。客戶必須保留有關之交易單據及信用卡簽賬所有存根正本以作核對之用。如有任何爭議,客戶須提供有關之交易單據及簽賬存根正本及/或其他文件或証據,以作核實。所有已遞交之文件將不獲發還。
8. 抽獎指定信用卡戶口必須於推廣期內至獲取奬賞時仍為有效及信用狀況良好,方可享有此推廣優惠。若客戶於簽賬年度內曾未能於信用卡戶口之月結單上列明之繳款日期或之前繳付最低款額,本行保留不給予此推廣優惠之權利。
9. 客戶如有任何舞弊或欺詐成份,本行即會取消該客戶之獲取抽獎獎賞資格及其信用卡。
10. 抽獎將於2014年8月15日或以前進行。得獎者共1,250名,每人可獲音樂會門票2張。不論參加次數多寡,每張抽獎指定信用卡最多只獲贈門票2張 。
11. 得獎客戶將於2014年8月19日或以前收到短訊通知,所有門票將於2014年8月22日或以前以平郵方式郵寄至客戶之通信地址(並不適用於郵寄至澳門地區及中國內地)。如門票於2014年8月25日或以前遺失或尚未收到,客戶應在活動舉行前最少一個工作天致電MANHATTAN信用卡客戶服務熱線2881 0888(星期一至五上午9時至晚上6時)辦理補發手續,並須於活動舉行當日於指定時間於活動地點親身攜同有關之指定信用卡領取補發之門票換領信,逾期恕不補發。
12. 所有已發出之門票均不可取消、退還或更換。
13. 座位編排按電腦分配。本行對座位編排及其他爭議保留絕對酌情權。
14. 一人一票入場,包括手抱嬰兒。
15. 客戶明白及接納音樂會所有產品及服務並非由本行所主辦或提供,因此有關音樂會產品及服務的各方面(包括但不限於質素及供應量)本行理應毋須負上法律責任。
16. 音樂會如因事故取消,主辦機構將保留退票或改期之權利。
17. 音樂會如有更改,將由主辦機構決定。
18. 本行保留隨時更改或終止以上推廣優惠及服務以及修訂條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,本行將保留最終決定權。優惠須受有關條款及細則約束,詳情可致電MANHATTAN信用卡客戶服務熱線2881 0888查詢。
19. 以上收集之個人資料只作是次音樂會抽獎贏門票之用。
20. 中英文版本之內容如有歧義,概以英文版為準。
Terms and conditions of 903id club Music Is Live “Leo Ku x Charmaine Fong x Mag Lam x Shiga Lin” ("The Show") Ticket Lucky Draw ("Lucky Draw"):
1. The Lucky Draw Promotion ("Lucky Draw") of The Show is only applicable to MANHATTAN Credit Card or Co-branded Card, ("Designated Credit Card for Lucky Draw") issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank").
2. Promotion Period is from 5 June to 25 July 2014 (both dates inclusive) (the "Promotion Period") and based on transaction dates shown on monthly statement.
3. Customers must register via www.manhattancard.com during the Promotion Period to enter the Lucky Draw. Customers who successfully registered will receive a reference number upon successful registration and are eligible to participate in the Lucky Draw (“Eligible Customers”).
4. Eligible Customers will be eligible to one Lucky Draw chance for single Eligible Transaction (defined below) of HK$500 or above made with Designated Credit Card for Lucky Draw during the Promotion Period.
5. Eligible Transactions include cash advance, local and overseas retail purchase transactions, internet order, mail order, phone order and principal amount of the Interest-free Instalment Plan that is charged to the Designated Credit Card accounts during the promotion period (the principal amount will be calculated based on the first month billed instalment amount times the number of instalments), auto payment, utilities payment, online bill payment and Octopus Automatic Add-Value amount made during the Promotion Period. It does not include (but not limited to) insurance payment, handling fee, annual fee, past due charges, overlimit charges, interest/finance charges, balance transfer amount and interests, “Credit-to-Cash” Preferential Annual Rate Program amount and interests/handling fee, “Instalment Credit Plan” or “Statement Instalment Plan” monthly instalment amount and interest/handling fee, billed monthly instalment of interest-free instalment plan, casino chip exchange and tax payment. Any unposted/cancelled/refunded/falsified and any unauthorized transaction is also excluded from the Promotion.
6. All eligible transactions made by the Principal and Supplementary Cardholders of the same Credit Card Number of Designated Credit Card for Lucky Draw will be counted collectively.
7. The Bank will determine the eligibility of customer for participating in the Lucky Draw based on the customer's transaction records held by the Bank. In case of disputes, records held with the Bank shall prevail. Customers are required to keep the relevant original sales receipts and credit card sales slips for inspection upon request by the Bank. In case of disputes, customers are required to submit the relevant original sale receipts, credit card sales slips and/or relevant documents or proofs for further investigation by the Bank. All relevant documents submitted to the Bank will not be returned.
8. The account of the Designated Credit Card for Lucky Draw must remain valid and in good financial standing during the Promotion Period and at the time of rewards fulfilment in order to be eligible for this Promotion. The Bank reserves the right to refuse to issue or honour any offset amount if the Cardholder has ever failed to pay on or before the relevant due date any Minimum Payment Dues specified in the monthly statement of Credit Card account issued in the Billing Year.
9. Fraud and abuse will result in the forfeiture of a customer's eligibility to receive the Lucky Draw reward as well as cancellation of a customer's credit card(s).
10. Lucky Draw will be conducted on or before 15 August 2014. There will be 1,250 winners in total; each winner will receive 2 tickets of The Show. Each Designated Credit Card can only be entitled to 2 tickets, regardless of the number of times of customers entering into the Lucky Draw.
11. Winner will receive SMS notification on or before 19 August 2014, and all tickets will be mailed to customer's correspondence address by surface mail on or before 22 August 2014 (not applicable to Macau and Mainland China). In the event of lost or non-receipt ticket(s) by 25 August 2014, Cardholder must contact MANHATTAN Card Customer Services Hotline 2881 0888 (Mon to Fri 9am to 6pm) at least one working day before the date of event and present the designated Credit Card in person on that date for obtaining the redemption letter of lost ticket. The letter will not be re-issued after the above-mentioned date.
12. No cancellation or change can be made for any ticket(s) allocated to cardholders under the terms and conditions below. Tickets are not transferable, returnable or redeemable for cash.
13. Ticket seats will be allocated by computer system. The Bank reserves the right to make the final decision on seating arrangement in case of dispute.
14. Ticket is required for admission. One ticket per person (including small children).
15. Customers understand and accept that the Bank is neither the organizer nor the supplier of The Show's products/services offered in this Promotion. The Bank shall have no liability relating to any aspect of its products/services including, without limitation, their quality and the supply.
16. If The Show is cancelled, the organizer(s) reserve(s) the right to amend the show date.
17. In the case of any change(s) of The Show, the organizer(s) reserve(s) the right of the final decision.
18. The Bank reserves the right to alter or terminate the Promotion and amend the Terms and Conditions at any time. In case of dispute, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive; you may contact MANHATTAN Credit Card Customer Service Hotline 2881 0888 for details.
19. The Collected data are only for internal use and are not published, sold or in any other way passed on to a third party.
20. If there is any inconsistency and conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail for all purpose.

本人確定已閱讀, 明白及同意接受本推廣活動之條款及細則以及同意接受客戶條款所約束。 I confirm I have read, understood and accepted to be bound by the terms and conditions of this promotion and the Customer Terms.
MANHATTAN Card - 渣打銀行(香港) 有限公司轄下部門
MANHATTAN Card - a division of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
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