致: MANHATTAN Card - 渣打銀行(香港) 有限公司轄下部門
To : MANHATTAN Card - a division of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

This application form for the Octopus Automatic Add Value Service shall be used for the application of linking one or more Octopus cards or products (collectively referred to as "Octopus") to the Octopus Automatic Add Value Service (the "AAVS").
甲部 - 信用卡主卡客戶(自動增值服務賬戶持有人)資料及申請
Section A - Principal Credit Cardholder's (AAVS Account Holder) Information & Application
Please complete the application form in English
香港永久性居民身份證/ 護照的英文姓名
English Name on HK Permanent ID Card/Passport
Family Name 姓 Given Name 名
香港永久性居民身份證/ 護照號碼
HK Permanent ID Card No./Passport No.
( )
Date of Birth
日dd/ 月mm/ 年 yyyy
Contact Tel. No.
MANHATTAN Visa/ 萬事達信用卡號碼
MANHATTAN Visa/ MasterCard Credit Card Number
- - -
Please select card type

MANHATTAN 信用卡 MANHATTAN Credit Card       MANHATTAN id 信用卡 MANHATTAN id Credit Card
MANHATTAN Card - 渣打銀行(香港) 有限公司轄下部門
MANHATTAN Card - a division of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
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Copyright ©2014 Standard Chartered Bank