渣打銀行信用卡「陳豪日日請您食飯」 推廣計劃之條款及細則:
1. 渣打銀行信用卡「陳豪日日請您食飯」 推廣計劃 (「推廣計劃」) 之推廣期由2010年12月1日至2011年2月2日 (包括首、尾兩天) (「推廣期」) 。
2. 推廣計劃適用於由渣打銀行 (香港) 有限公司 (「本行」) 發行之信用卡,包括渣打信用卡、渣打聯營卡及渣打American Express®卡 (「適用信用卡」) ,惟不適用於渣打公司卡、渣打JOS商務白金卡及 MANHATTAN 信用卡。
3. 客戶於推廣期內 (以交易日期計算) 以適用信用卡作任何合資格簽賬 (定義見以下條款6) 1次,即可參加抽獎1次。客戶須於2010年12月1日(早上0時1分起)至2011年2月2日(下午11時59分前) 致電渣打銀行24小時 「陳豪日日請您食飯」 熱線1836369 或於www.standardchartered.com.hk 登記參加抽獎。抽獎一經完成,所有抽獎資料及登記紀錄均不可取消、更改或撤回。
4. 每位客戶之抽獎次數不限。參考編號將會於登記完成後即時提供,以作參考。請留意,登記手續參考編號並非確認獲取獎賞,客戶獲取獎賞的資格須經本行核實為準。客戶以同一項簽賬多次登記亦只會作一次登記計算,並以第一次登記為準。
5. 本行將會於推廣期內每一個星期進行大抽獎。本行會於推廣期內的每一個登記日隨機抽出一項合資格簽賬 (定義見以下條款6) 。合資格簽賬的簽賬金額會全數以現金回贈 ("回贈") 方式回贈於適用信用卡內。回贈金額以HK$2,000 為上限。推廣計劃的得獎者會獲手機短訊另行通知。
6. 合資格的食肆簽賬 (「合資格簽賬」) 包括以適用信用卡於推廣期內 (顯示於月結單上之交易日期計算及須於2011年2月15日或以前已誌賬) 於本地食肆所作之新簽賬。其他交易包括但不只限於海外食肆新簽賬、私人宴會/包場派對、設於美食廣場/超級市場/百貨公司內之食肆、俱樂部/會所內之餐飲或其他由渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(「本行」)或根據Visa國際組織/MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong)Limited/美國運通之商戶編號不時界定為非食肆之商戶及其他未經許可之簽賬均不適用於此推廣計劃。
7. 參加抽獎的簽賬交易及有關信用卡資料經本行核實並獲確認為合資格獲享有關獎賞後,本行將於2011年4月30日或以前將回贈金額存入客戶之適用信用卡賬戶,並顯示於月結單上。
8. 本行將經電腦核實客戶之信用卡交易紀錄,方確定客戶於此推廣計劃獲享獎賞之資格。若簽賬存根印載的資料與本行存檔紀錄不符,將以本行存檔紀錄為準。
9. 如客戶於獲贈回贈後取消用作計算有關抽獎的任何合資格簽賬,本行有權從客戶之信用卡戶口內扣除相等於該現金回贈之金額,而毋須另行通知。
10. 客戶必須保留有關之交易單據及信用卡簽賬存根正本以作核對之用。如有任何爭議,客戶必須提供有關之交易單據及簽賬存根正本,以便本行作進一步調查。所有已遞交之有關文件將不獲發還。
11. 適用信用卡主卡及附屬卡之簽賬將會合併計算。
12. 客戶有關之適用信用卡賬戶必須於存入所獲贈之現金回贈時仍為有效及信用狀況良好,方可享有現金回贈。現金回贈不可作現金透支提取,亦不得轉換、轉讓及不可用作繳付信用卡結欠。
13. 本行保留隨時更改或終止推廣計劃以及修訂條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,本行將保留最終決定權。
14. 中英文版本之內容如有歧義,概以英文版為準。

Terms and Conditions of "It's Moses' Treat" Luck Draw Program:
1. The promotion period of the Standard Chartered Credit Card "It's Moses' Treat" Lucky Draw Program (the "Promotion") is from 1 December 2010 to 2 February 2011 (both days inclusive) (the "Promotion Period").
2. The Promotion is applicable to credit cards issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Bank"), including Standard Chartered Credit Card, Standard Chartered Co-branded Cards and Standard Chartered American Express® Card ("Applicable Credit Card"), except Standard Chartered JOS Visa Platinum Card and Corporate Card.
3. During the Promotion Period (based on the transaction date), Each Eligible Transaction (as defined in Clause 6 below) of an Applicable Credit Card made by the Cardholders will be entitled to one entry to the lucky draw. Cardholders are required to call the 24-Hour "It’s Moses' Treat" Lucky Draw Hotline 1836 369 or register at www.standardchartered.com.hk anytime between 12:00am of the first day and 11:59pm of the last day of the Promotion Period. Once lucky draw registration is conducted, all Eligible Transaction information and the registration record cannot be cancelled, altered or reversed.
4. There is no limit on the number of lucky draw entries per Cardholder. A reference number will be provided instantly after the lucky draw registration. However, it is not a confirmation of entitlement of the prize, which is subject to verification of validity of the entry. Multiple entries for same Eligible Transaction will only be counted once and only the first eligible entry will be entitled to the promotion.
5. Lucky draw will be conducted every week during the Promotion Period. One Eligible Transaction (as defined in Clause 6 below) in each registration day of the Promotion Period will be drawn randomly. The Eligible Transaction amount will be fully reimbursed in the form of cash rebate ("the Rebate") to the applicable credit card account. The Rebate will be capped at HK$2,000. Lucky draw winner will receive SMS separately for the result announcement.
6. Eligible dining transactions ("Eligible Transaction") include all local dining transactions with the applicable credit card account during the Promotion Period (based on the transactions date shown on the monthly statement and all valid transactions should be posted on or before 15 February 2011). Other transactions including, without limitation, overseas dining transactions, transactions for private parties/functions, private room events, transactions made in dining outlets in food court / supermarkets / department stores, associations / club houses or other merchants which are not defined as restaurants by the Bank from time to time or the merchant codes which are not defined as restaurants by Visa International / MasterCard Asia/ Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited/ American Express and any unauthorized transactions are not eligible for this Promotion.
7. Once the Eligible Transaction(s) and the related credit card account information are verified and confirmed to be qualified for the lucky draw prize(s), the Rebate will be credited to the applicable credit card account and shown in the monthly statement on or before 30 April, 2011.
8. The Bank will verify transaction record against the registration entries of the Cardholder. In case of discrepancy between the Bank's record and details recorded on the credit card sales slip, the Bank's record shall prevail.
9. If Cardholders have cancelled any related transaction which eligible for the Rebate after the Rebate is credited to the Applicable Credit Card Account, the Bank has the right to fully debit the amount equivalent to the Rebate from Cardholder's Applicable Credit Card account without further notice.
10. Cardholders are required to keep the relevant original sales receipts and credit card sales slips for investigation upon request by the Bank. In case of disputes, Cardholders are required to submit the relevant original sale receipt(s) and credit card sales slip(s) for further investigation by the Bank. All relevant documents submitted to the Bank will not be returned.
11. Eligible Transactions made by the Principal and Supplementary Cardholders of the same Applicable Credit Card Account will be counted collectively.
12. To be eligible for the Promotion, the relevant Applicable credit card account must be valid and in good financial standing when the Rebate is to be credited. The Rebate amounts cannot be drawn as cash advance, are non-exchangeable, non-transferable and cannot offset credit card payment.
13. The Bank reserves the right to alter or terminate this Promotion and amend the terms and conditions thereof at any time. In case of disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.
14. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.