1. 「處處積分兌現」推廣優惠(「此推廣」)之推廣期由2011年11月1日至2012年3月31日,包括首、尾兩天(「推廣期」)。優惠只適用於參與「360°全面賞」計劃之渣打信用卡、渣打聯營卡及渣打American Express®卡(「適用信用卡」)。優惠並不適用於ESPRIT智能信用卡、渣打商務卡/ 公司卡及參與渣打「CASHBACK現金回贈」計劃之信用卡。適用信用卡以渣打銀行(香港)有限公司(「本行」)之不時公佈為準。
2. 客戶參加此推廣必須以適用信用卡完成合資格零售交易滿HK$500(以單一交易計算),並於簽賬後14天內進行以「360°全面賞」積分換領簽賬金額的手續(「積分換領」),否則本行不接受遲交之登記。
3. 合資格零售交易(「合資格交易」)包括以適用信用卡於推廣期內所作之本地零售購物簽賬,並以港幣結算交易(根據顯示在月結單上之交易日期計算及已誌賬之交易)。其他交易包括但不只限於海外簽賬、現金透支、網上購物、郵購、電話購物、自動轉賬、繳交公共事務費用、保費、八達通自動增值、免息分期付款計劃之總金額及每月供款、手續費、年費、逾期費用、超額費用、利息/ 財務費用、結餘轉賬之金額及利息、「兌現年息優惠」計劃之金額及利息/ 手續費、「兌現分期」或「月結單分期」計劃之供款及利息/ 手續費、網上繳款、兌換籌碼及繳稅金額均不適用於此推廣計劃。所有未誌賬/ 取消/ 退款/ 偽造/ 未經許可的交易均不適用於此推廣計劃。
4. 兌換率以每260積分可兌換HK$1並以整數計算(須為HK$1之倍數),客戶最高可以「360°全面賞」積分兌換該簽賬最多一半金額。抵消之簽賬金額將會回贈至該信用卡戶口。任何已過期之積分並不適用。
5. 如適用信用卡戶口內之「360°全面賞」積分結餘不足夠兌換簽賬金額之一半,本行將會根據兌換率扣除最多之積分以兌換該簽賬部份金額,而無須預先通知。
簽賬金額 可扣除「360°全面賞」積分 兌換簽賬金額
HK$500 65,000 65,000/260 = HK$250
HK$500 13,000 13,000/260 = HK$50
6. 兌換之簽賬金額將於10個工作天內誌賬入適用信用卡之主卡戶口內,並顯示在下期月結單上。客戶亦會於14個工作天內收到信函通知換領結果。
7. 此推廣適用於適用信用卡戶口之主卡及附屬卡,戶口內之「360°全面賞」 積分會合併計算用作積分換領。惟每次積分換領會以每個信用卡戶口計算,客戶不能合併其他信用卡戶口作積分換領。
8. 「360°全面賞」積分換領一經本行處理,不能更改、取消或退回已換領之積分。
9. 換領之積分受「360°全面賞」計劃之條款及細則限制,詳情請瀏覽standardchartered.com.hk/rewards。
10. 於有關之持卡人賬戶取消後(不論是自願或非自願)接獲之任何「360°全面賞」積分換領申請均屬無效。自賬戶取消該天起,該賬戶內所累積之積分即屬無效。
11. 有關之信用卡戶口必須於存入兌換之簽賬金額時仍為有效及信用狀況良好,方可享有此推廣優惠。若客戶於簽賬年度內曾未能於信用卡戶口之月結單上列明的繳款日期或之前繳付最低款額,本行保留不給予此推廣優惠之權利。
12. 本行保留修訂「360°全面賞」計劃條款細則及此推廣計劃的條款及細則之權利,毋須事先通知。如有任何爭議,本行保留最終決定權。
13. 中英文版本之內容如有歧義,概以英文版為準。

1. 360° Rewards Points Cash Conversion Promotion (“Promotion”) is valid from 1 November 2011 to 31 March 2012 (both days inclusive) (“Promotion Period”), and is applicable to Standard Chartered Credit Card, Standard Chartered Co-branded Cards and Standard Chartered American Express® Card under the 360° Rewards programme (“Qualified Credit Card”), except ESPRIT Smart Credit Cards, Corporate / Business Cards, and Cards under the Standard Chartered Cash Back Scheme. The Qualified Credit Card is subject to announcement by Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (“The Bank”) from time to time.
2. To be eligible for the Promotion, customer must make an Eligible Retail Transaction (as defined in clause 3 below) of at least HK$500 or more, and register for the 360° Rewards Points Cash Conversion to offset the transaction amount of Eligible Retail Transaction within 14 days after the transaction made (“Redemption”). Late registration will not be accepted.
3. Eligible Retail Transaction (“Eligible Retail Transaction”) includes local retail purchase made in Hong Kong Dollar with the Qualified Credit Card during the Promotion Period (based on the transaction date shown on the monthly statement and only posted transactions would be included). Other transactions including but not limited to overseas transactions, cash advance, internet order, mail order, phone order, auto payment, utilities bill, insurance payment, Octopus Automatic Add-Value amount, principal & monthly billed amount of Interest-free Instalment Plan, handling fee, annual fee, past due charges, overlimit charges, interest/finance charges, balance transfer amount and interests, “Credit-to-Cash” Preferential Annual Rate Program amount and interests/handling fee, “Instalment Credit” Plan or “Statement Instalment Plan” monthly instalment amount and interest/handling fee, online bill payment, casino chip exchange and tax payment are not eligible for the Promotion. Any unposted/cancelled/refunded/falsified and any unauthorized transactions are also excluded.
4. With the conversion rate of every 260 points to HK$1(multiple of HK$1), Cardholder can offset maximum 50% of the Eligible Retail Transaction amount with 360° Rewards Points. Offset amount will be credited into specified card account as spending credit. Any expired 360° Rewards Points will not be counted.
5. If the 360° Rewards Points balance in the specified card account is insufficient to redeem 50% of the Eligible Retail Transaction, the Bank will redeem available 360° Rewards Points to offset the partial amount based on the conversion rate as much as possible without further notice.
For examples:
Transaction Amount 360° Rewards Points Available Offset Amount
HK$500 65,000 65,000/260 =HK$250
HK$500 13,000 13,000/260 =HK$50
6. The offset amount will be credited to the Qualified Credit Card of principal cardholder account within 10 working days and will be shown in the next monthly statement. Cardholder will receive notification letter for Redemption result within 14 working days.
7. Promotion is applicable to both principal and supplementary Qualified Credit Card accounts, and their 360° Rewards Points will be grouped together for Redemption. Each Redemption will be calculated based on 360° Rewards Points balance of each Qualified Credit Card account, Cardholder cannot combine 360° Rewards Points of different accounts for the Redemption.
8. Once the Redemption has been processed by the Bank, it is irrevocable and cannot be cancelled or altered.
9. Use of 360° Rewards Points is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Standard Chartered Credit Card 360° Rewards Programme. For details, please visit standardchartered.com.hk/rewards.
10. Any Redemption after the relevant Cardholder’s account has been closed (whether voluntarily or involuntarily) shall not be valid and all accrued 360° Rewards Points on such accounts will become void with effect from the date of account closure.
11. To be eligible for the Promotion, the Credit Card Account must be valid and in good financial standing at the time when the offset amount is to be credited. The Bank reserves the right to refuse to issue or honour any offset amount if the Cardholder has ever failed to pay on or before the relevant due date any Minimum Payment Dues specified in the monthly statement of Credit Card account issued in the Billing Year.
12. The Bank reserves the right to revise the Terms and Conditions of the Standard Chartered Credit Card 360° Rewards Programme and the terms and conditions of this Promotion from time to time. In case of disputes, the Bank’s decision shall be final and binding.
13. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.